by Costas Douzinas / (09 July 2018) The historic Agreement of June 17 2018, signed in the Prespes lakes between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) brings to an end an international dispute festering for 25 years. The agreement ensures a peaceful future of solidarity and shared economic development for the […]

*Book review by Albena Azmanova published on (4 May 2018) Costas Douzinas’ Syriza in Power (Polity, 2017) carries a wondrous resemblance to Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince (1513). The latter is penned by a state official turned humanist philosopher; the former by a humanist philosopher turned an accidental state official. Both works scrutinise without moralization the world of politics […]

by Spiros Sideris / / 09.09.2017 Mr. Douzinas, we are in Tallinn were you are participating in the procedures of the Estonian EU presidency, where the parliamentarians who sit in foreign affairs committees will discuss which issues? This is a standing meeting which takes place every six months in the capital of the country […]